Monday, November 23, 2009

Once upon a time...

...There lived a wee little lad, around 7 weeks old, who wore a puppy hat upon his head. And one year later, the hat came back!



I can remember so clearly laying my little tiny baby on my bed and posing him with this hat on. And it was HUGEE on him. (You can't really tell in the picture since I tucked it under to make it look like it fit) Taking the one year later picture of him today was not quite as easy. Between Nathan's unexplained intense hatred for hats and his new-found hyperactive personality, it took me a good 30 minutes to finally get a picture of him with it on. I guess the saying is true, little babies just don't keep!

This week, my grandparents are coming down from NJ for Thanksgiving. Nathan will actually get to enjoy the delicious food this year too!! ANDDDD we will finally get to see Mark! It has almost been an entire month!!!! I am sure there will be many pictures to come!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trip to Boone

This past weekend Mabecca, Nathan, and I headed out to Boone to visit aunt lars! It was a very short visit but it was great to be back to the old stomping grounds! One lesson I did learn though: Nathan is not as easy to travel with as he used to be! He used to be so quiet in his carseat. I sometimes would forget he was even there...well not really but he was just THAT quiet. Well he was not as quiet on the 3 hour drive up to boone. He wasn't screaming or anything, just fussy and restless. I decided to pull over and turn his carseat around thinking that maybe it would help if he could see me or see out the window. He technically could have been forward facing for about a month now, but I was trying to keep him rear facing a little longer since it is supposed to be safer. It helped a little and he looks like such a big boy in his carseat facing forward. Eventually we got there and spent the day and night eating and shopping with aunt lars. And other than Nathan refusing to nap and eat, we had a great time!! Miss you already Aunt Lars!!!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nathan's New Tricks

Last night Nathan learned how to play catch! He will actually stick out his little arms and catch a ball if you throw it to him. AND THEN he throws it back! Can we say future professional athlete??? I think so! He is so proud of himself (obviously mommy is too)! I love watching him learn new things.

Other new things:
-He points at everything. From the second I pick him up out of his crib in the morning, he proceeds to point at everything. We go around the whole house and he points and I name things. It is our fun little game.

-He blows kisses. One of my favorite tricks he does. He even makes the "mmmuah" sound when he does it.

-he knows what lights are and will point at them when you ask him to. He does the same thing with ears, mouth and Elmo.

I could probably go on and on, cause lets face it, my kid is amazing, but those are the major things he is doing right now. Oh how I love being a mommy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Face

We officially have a toddler on our hands! And he is making it very clear now when he doesn't like something by making "the face". And when my little innocent child looks up at me with this face, I can't help but burst out laughing....and he has taken notice. In fact, he now will make "the face" and instantly start laughing at himself, which is even funnier, but I have a feeling it won't be so funny when the terrible twos hit!!